Chied Edozie Njoku’s Illusionary Reign: A Tale Of Deception And Intrigue

By Dr. Tony Olisa Mbeki Ogbonna

In the labyrinth of Nigerian politics, where cunning often masquerades as leadership, Chief Edozie Njoku’s maneuvers within the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) echo the dark intrigues of classic villains. His actions bring to mind the Machiavellian strategies of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello, whose treachery sowed discord and chaos, ultimately leading to a tragic downfall. Similarly, Chief Njoku’s political machinations seem to draw from a deep well of guile, leaving a trail of confusion and controversy in their wake.

It was a tale that unfolded in Owerri, where Chief Njoku, much like the infamous Brutus in Julius Caesar, was plotting his own betrayal—not of a single man, but of an entire political party. While the true APGA family gathered in Awka under the rightful leadership of Ozonkpu Victor Oye for a legitimate National Convention, duly monitored by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Njoku, in defiance and deceit, orchestrated a shadow convention in Owerri. This unauthorized assembly, akin to a phantom ship sailing under the cover of darkness, sought to undermine the legitimate authority of the party.

This wasn’t just a mere act of rebellion; it was the beginning of a grand illusion. As the dust settled in Owerri, Njoku’s proxies made their way to the distant shores of Birnin Kudu in Jigawa State. Here, in the quiet chambers of the High Court, a judgment was conjured—like the serpent’s whispered promises in the Garden of Eden. This judgment, purportedly validating Njoku’s position, would later become the fulcrum of his audacious claim to the APGA National Chairmanship. In this act, Njoku seemed to embody the very spirit of Uriah Heep from Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield, whose deceitful humility masked an insidious ambition.

However, Njoku’s claims, like the fragile fabrications of any trickster, began to unravel upon closer scrutiny. The judgment procured in Birnin Kudu was rightfully overturned by the Appeal Court, Kano Division, which stated that the Jigawa Court had no jurisdiction to entertain the matter. This decision was later upheld by the Supreme Court, which affirmed that the issue of party leadership is purely an internal affair of a political party, returning APGA to its status quo under the leadership of the then National Chairman, Ozonkpu Dr. Victor Oye.

The Supreme Court, in its wisdom, cast aside the veil of ambiguity that Njoku had so carefully draped over his claims. Like the sudden illumination that dispels the shadows of an enchanted forest, the Court’s interpretation of its own judgment made it unequivocally clear: there was no consequential order of its Court recognizing Edozie Njoku as the APGA National Chairman. This revelation was the needle that burst Njoku’s balloon of legitimacy, exposing his tenure as nothing more than a mirage, a fleeting trick of the light.

Even Njoku’s desperate bid to weaponize a judgment from the FCT High Court against the INEC Chairman, attempting to draw him into a web of contempt, crumbled like a house of cards. The INEC Chairman stood unblemished, for the Supreme Court’s clarification revealed that no judicial order had ever lent credence to Njoku’s claims. In the end, the very judgment Njoku sought to exploit turned on him, leaving him ensnared in the tangle of his own making.

Njoku’s assertion of still being in a “phantom tenure” beyond the constitutional four years echoes the overreach of Icarus, whose hubris led him to fly too close to the sun, only to have his wings of wax melt, plunging him into the sea. Njoku’s political flight appears to be guided by similar hubris—a belief that he could bend time and law to his will, crafting a narrative that defied both reason and legality.

In the grand tapestry of political deception, Njoku’s tale is but one thread—albeit a brightly colored one that catches the eye. It is reminiscent of the deceitful schemes of literary figures like Edmund in King Lear, whose manipulations brought a kingdom to the brink of ruin. Yet, as with all stories of trickery, there comes a moment when the truth begins to shine through the web of lies. Njoku’s phantom tenure, like the illusions spun by Rumpelstiltskin, will ultimately be unraveled, revealing the stark reality beneath.

While Njoku was busy weaving his web of deceit, the true leadership of APGA was solidifying its future. In a scene reminiscent of a rightful king passing the crown to his worthy heir, Ozonkpu Victor Oye, amid the galvanizing cheers of party faithful, duly handed the reins of APGA Chairmanship to Barr Sly Ezeokenwa on May 31, 2023, in a convention that was, like a coronation, watched over by the ever-watchful eyes of INEC. This act, conducted in the clear light of day, stood in stark contrast to the shadowy dealings of Njoku, who sought to usurp power through subterfuge. As Ezeokenwa took up the mantle, his leadership symbolized the continuity of legitimate governance, a beacon of order in a sea of chaos. It was a moment that reaffirmed the party’s commitment to truth and integrity, standing as a bulwark against the deceitful winds that Njoku attempted to unleash.

Chief Edozie Njoku’s actions serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the fragility of power built on deception. As the curtain begins to fall on this chapter of APGA’s history, one can only hope that the lessons of integrity, truth, and lawful conduct will be remembered—lest we find ourselves entangled in another web of political deceit.

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